acer notebook fan control utility

Acer fan starts and stops constantly! - Forums.
Feb 24, 2009. I own a Acer 7730G notebook (the 734G32Bn model with the Intel P7350 processor).. Tried Linux to check if the fan was controlled by the OS. .. against Notebook Hardware Control (NHC) tool is that this program also works.
acer notebook fan control utility
Acer Aspire 6935g fan control - Forums.
Fan control utility - Page 7 - Forums.
Acer Aspire 6930G Fan Control utility - Portable Devices.
acer notebook fan control utility
Download fan control software for an Acer Laptop -[ubuntu] Fan control in Acer Aspire One - Ubuntu Forums.
Control fan speed on my Acer? - Forums.
Aspire Gemstone: Acer Aspire 4530 Actual Fan Control.
Acer 5750g getting seriously hot - Acer - Laptops & Notebooks.
Jan 6, 2009. Laptop Forums and Notebook Computer Discussion. Forum. I tried the fan control software for the Acer Aspire One, which didn't seem to work.
Oct 22, 2011. still the same but I will do more testing with this one tomorrow and post the results .
Acer Aspire 7730 Fan behaviour - Page 3 - Forums.